Through Brooklyn Eyes is on Amazon- read it on Kindle!
Someone once said to me, “Everyone can be traced back to Brooklyn or the Bronx. There are two kinds of people, those who want to remember where they’re from and those who try to forget.” I would add, it doesn’t matter which you choose, you are where you came from.
From the book…
Martin’s ODE to BROOKLYN
Elegance of the arch over Eastern Parkway, clanging of trolley car bells, two cent lemon ices at the Italian bakery, clicking of billiard balls at Alba’s pool room, crack of the bat at Ebbets Field, roving peddlers, knife sharpeners and ice men chanting their wares, Saturday matinees at the Benson Theater, quiet of a Sunday morning surrounding Saint Finbar church, corned beef sandwich at the deli, mother from a window: “Robert, come up for your dinner,” locker room smells at the Jewish Community House gym, “mickey” potatoes, baked in heated rocks on a cold, deserted lot, “spaldeen” rubber ball skipping down a street, swish of a basketball through a net, first Charlotte Russe in the spring — jelly apple in the fall, knuckles rubbed raw from playing marbles in the street, chocolate egg cream, Ocean Parkway bridle path, game of ring-a-levio, tinkle of a Good Humor truck bell, Coney Island Tuesday fireworks on a hot summer night, screeching wheels of the overhead BMT train, Mom’s potato lotkas.
They are all jumbled together, forever a part of me.

Contact Stolzie
This story of a Brooklyn boy’s life adventure will make you laugh and sigh. A wonderful place and time. I know because I grew up there with the author. – Fred Wilpon, owner of the New York Mets baseball team.
A charming book that easily combines nostalgia for a bygone era with stories and insights that are very much relevant in the 21st century. I enjoyed it very much. – Paul Fine
Stolzenberg’s memoir describes an era of urban American history that unfortunately will never be replicated. When the fabled American Dream was alive and well. When parents worked hard to provide better futures for their children. When strong communities fostered life-long friendships among residents. To choose one anecdote among many: watch what happens when the author’s father tries to bring snacks to one of his basketball games. – Ethan Fishman
This book is the answer to all the complaints and groans about America. Here is a man who has a good life and got here using his wits and confidence. On the way he made a lot of friends and has a good marriage. What could be more boring. But it isn’t, it’s a good read. And despite the everydayness of it all, it becomes something more. I have had enough heroes and villains to read about. This book is about overcoming. Obviously, the author is not a professional writer. All the better for his story. He makes it hard to put away this very personal history.” – Arthur K.
Martin Stolzenberg’s memoir perfectly captures his time with his reminiscences of friends and family. This book can resonate equally with those who grew up in Brooklyn and those who did not. It is the relationships that we were able to develop and sustain in those kinder American communities that Martin so beautifully evokes. His stories are entertaining, informative and interesting. – ES Neid
Reading Through Brooklyn Eyes was wonderfully enjoyable. Not only did much of it remind me of my days in Brooklyn but Martin’s writing skill added to the enjoyment of the book. It’s not often that I read a book non-stop, but this one held my interest for uninterrupted hours. – Ron F.
This book is a home run in several ways. It is the story of a boy who lives the American dream. In this memoir Martin relives the charming tales of his youth as the son of immigrant parents, in Brooklyn, New York. He introduces the reader to the people who shaped his life and inspired him to become successful businessman, father and role model. Most important, this is an example for others to document their life and family history for the generations that follow. –A. Mead
This book took us back to our formative years of growing up in Brooklyn. Though we didn’t live in the same neighborhood as Martin we experienced the same memories growing up. The part about his father was true about a lot of sons and fathers in Brooklyn at that time. If you are from the Big Apple or not, a reading must for a delightful story. – Paul and Irene A.